Senior Portrait Session – Fairhaven, Massachusetts

Senior portrait session in the serene marshlands of Fairhaven, capturing the natural beauty and individuality of a high school senior captured by Sarah Murray Photography

In the tranquil setting of the marsh lands in Fairhaven, a beautiful senior portrait session unfolded. Capturing the natural beauty and serene atmosphere of this stunning coastal place…

This beautiful area, with its sprawling grasses and reflective waters, offered a stunning backdrop that highlighted her loves and interests in life as her high school years have come to a close and the next begins.

The gentle breeze and soft, natural light of the late afternoon provided the perfect moment, enhancing the colors and textures of the marshland sharing the captivating beauty of Fairhaven’s natural landscapes, making it an ideal locale for memorable and beautiful senior portraits.

My goal is to evoke the fresh breeze of Spring, the first warm hints of Summer, the golden beauty of Autumn and the wonderland of Winter. Every season holds the promise of love and adventure.

Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA & COSTA RICA


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